Women Inventors who didn’t make the History Books! This month PHNC walks through history with the women inventors the History books forgot! Join Sheryl Long, from USF Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, who will captivate you with stories of the women and their inventions that never made the history books. Sheryl has a BA in Marketing and Communications from USF and is a spellbinding storyteller who loves a good story.
Cory Van Valin is the TOP up and coming magician from the Tampa Bay area. His performance is guaranteed to both astonish and amuse, with a blend of incredible magic tricks and delightful humor making an unbeatable, entertaining combination.
This month PHNC will be a program that will delight members and music lovers alike. The club is pleased to welcome Bonnie Whitehurst, a lifelong musician, composer, and recording artist to entertain at the June luncheon.