Hurricane Voucher Info

Home / Hurricane Voucher Info

Due to Hurricane Milton the October luncheon was cancelled. However all attendees registered for the October 2024 luncheon have been credited with a voucher good for use at either the November or December luncheon.

  • If you have not used your voucher for the November Luncheon you will be reminded by our Luncheon Chair to do so for the December Luncheon.
  • When registering for the December Luncheon, if using your voucher Please select the form of payment as “Voucher”
  • If you have multiple vouchers (you and your guests) please register each guest individually. This will allow our Luncheon Chair to apply the voucher to each individual.

Our Luncheon Chair has a list of everyone that qualified and has marked the voucher as used if you registered and used your voucher to attended the November Luncheon. If you advised the Luncheon Chair that you wanted to use it for December it has been noted.

We recognize everyone was excited to enjoy the comedy of Mark Evans and We are excited to announce Mark will be returning to the PHNC “stage” in March!