Executive Board Job Descriptions
Purpose: Chief executive and operating officer of the Club
• Serve and preside at Board Meetings and monthly luncheons.
• Ensure that all orders and resolutions are executed.
• With the approval of the Executive Board, the President will appoint all Chairpersons and Coordinators.
• The President shall serve as ex officio member, without a vote, of all committees, except standing committees. The President may be appointed to the Nomination Committee
• Prepare meeting agendas
• Be a signatory on the Club’s bank account
• Represent the club in a positive way and encourage others to serve in some capacity
To the Board and the General Membership
Vice President Membership
Purpose: Maintain current membership records, Welcome new members, chair Nominating Committee
- Serve on the Executive Board and attend monthly Board Meetings and luncheons
- Recommend to the Board of Directors any needed promotions (Summer Sizzler or those paying at the end of the year).
- Notify the Website Chair if any changes are required for the online membership application form.
- Obtain new member information from the Website and make a welcoming phone call on a weekly basis as needed.
- Chair the Nominating Committee and serve with the immediate past President, appointing three additional members from the general membership to solicit new members eligible to serve on the Executive Board.
- Coordinate with Hospitality a quarterly brunch for any new members.
- In conjunction with the Treasurer, oversee online membership payments and assist in resolving processing issues. Report current membership total at the board meeting and luncheon.
- Monitor new membership for potential chair replacement.
- All members must submit their own membership registration form online.
- In the event the President is unable to preside at a Board or General Membership meeting, the Vice President-Membership will preside.
- Represent the Club in a positive way and encourage others to serve in some capacity.
To the Board and General Membership
Participate in the budget meeting, adding to or subtracting from the previous year’s budget, depending upon the coming year’s plans.
Director of Programs
Purpose: Plan monthly Luncheon programs and entertainment
• Serve on the Executive Board and attend monthly Board Meetings and luncheons.
• Keep the Board informed of upcoming programs.
• Coordinate with luncheon chair, venue staff and Table Décor Committee for luncheons programs.
• Supply the Newsletter Editor, Website Chair, and the Publicity Chairperson with detailed information about upcoming programs two (2) months in advance of luncheon.
• Send thank you note to entertainers.
• Adhere to the assigned budget.
• Work with entertainer and Treasurer if deposit is required prior to the program.
• Arrange payment from the Club Treasurer and provide to entertainer at the luncheon program (Treasurer will provide check).
• Host the entertainer at the luncheon and provide any setup requested.
• Keep record of program entertainment, contact information and fee.
To the Board and General Membership
Participate in the budget meeting and bring the new programs budget to the Executive Board for approval
Director of Special Events
Purpose: Arrange and oversee Special Events (day trips)
• Serve on the Executive Board and attend monthly Board Meetings and luncheons
• Keep the Board of Directors informed of upcoming events and updates on their progress.
• Plan, promote, and oversee special events and day trips. These may include tours, shows, shopping excursions, etc.
• Present planned trips to the members at luncheons and give information to the Newsletter Editor and Website Chair for timely publication minimum of two (2) months in advance of the trip.
• Encourage attendance so that minimum attendance is obtained.
• Monitor online registration and follow up that payment has been received,
• Arrange payments from the Club Treasurer for transportation, tickets, and any door prices you may have been purchased for the trips.
• Appoint a Committee for any Special Events, all club parties and oversee transition luncheon its planning and execution.
• Represent the Club in a positive way and encourage others to serve in some capacity.
• Perform the duties of the President In the event both the President and Vice President are absent.
To the Board and General Membership
Participate in the budget meeting to cover the cost of planned trips.
Director of Activities
Purpose: Coordinate monthly activities and report updates to the Board
• Serve on the Executive Board, attending Board Meetings on the 1st Thursday of each month as well as monthly luncheons on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
• Collect information from Coordinators of upcoming events and follow up with coordinators to obtain missing information for the following month to ensure information is complete for the newsletter and submitted by the first Thursday of each month.
• Accept requests for new activities and present them to the Board. Upon approval, help organize the activity.
• Attend new member orientations and share the current activities with new members.
• Assist with activities as needed.
• Download and send coordinators weekly signup information for activities.
• Submit to the nominating committee a list of all coordinators for the coming year by January 1st.
• Oversee Activity Coordinators, to ensure that activty group participants are current with dues and are following PHNC policies
• Serve as Liasion between Activity Coordinators and the PHNC Board and visa versa.
• Represent the Club in a positive way and encourage others to serve in some capacity.
To the Board and the general membership
Purpose: Record the minutes of Board Meetings and Luncheons
• Serve on the Executive Board and attend monthly Board Meetings and Luncheons
• Keep minutes of all meetings except those of Special and Standing committees preparing a copy for signature.
• Keep a file of the signed approved minutes for the Club’s records.
• Distribute the minutes electronically to Board Members for approval at the following meeting.
• Shall present general membership minutes available to the membership for approval and acceptance.
• At meetings, ask for a motion to approve and accept the minutes of the previous meeting.
• Ensure the minutes will be distributed for review and approved at the next meeting. Arrange for some one to take minutes in your absence.
• Maintain a hard copy of all signed Guest Waiver Forms for two years for those that have not been entered on the website.
• Represent the Club in a positive way and encourage others to serve in some capacity.
To the Board and General Membership
Participate in the budget meeting to cover expenses incurred during the year.
Purpose: Disbursement of Club’s Funds in accordance with the directions of the Executive Board, Board of Directors, and Bylaws
• Serve on the Executive Board and attend monthly Board Meetings and luncheons
• Render an account of all transactions and financial conditions of the Club to the Board of Directors.
• Maintain all financial records in a timely fashion.
• Be a signatory on the Club’s bank account.
• Monitor website payments and notify members promptly of processing errors.
• Manage PayPal account and transfer payments to checking account at least once per month.
• Receive and deposit checks for dues, luncheons, and other events.
• Disburse checks for members who have submitted expense reports or need checks for vendors, including monthly luncheons.
• Balance the Club checking account monthly.
• Prepare a report for presentation at the Board meeting and the monthly luncheon.
• Prepare and submit annual tax forms for the Club. With the assistance of the Financial Advisor, prepare and file a tax return – due October 15 for the previous year.
• File corporate update with SunBiz annually after officer election.
• Arrange meeting location and documents needed for Financial Review Committee. See Article IV Section 4.07.
• Chair the Budget Committee annually and suggest budget changes as necessary
• Represent the Club in a positive way and encourage others to serve in some capacity
To the Board and General Membership.
• Chair the Budget Committee. See Article 4 of the Bylaws
Guidelines for All Board of Directors
Serve on the PHNC Board of Directors by attending and participating in board meetings on the 1st Thursday of each month as well as monthly luncheons on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
• Read and understand PHNC Bylaws and Job Description in this document.
• Adhere to PHNC Bylaws
• Advise President of any critical issue(s) impacting PHNC, its members or associations.
• Represent the Club in a positive manner
• Welcome and assist new members to feel comfortable.
• Be respectful and courteous to other board members. One discussion at meetings at a time.
• Support other board members if needed.
• Keep all discussions held at the board meetings confidential.
• Stay within the allocated budget and report any unexpected possible expenditures to President and Treasurer.
• Be aware of calendar due dates (Chatterbox cutoff, Luncheon cutoff, RSVP, Web page updates and necessary Web page creation dates, etc.)
• Meet with successor to review the requirements of the position and provide any assistance necessary to facilitate a smooth transition.
• Participate in committees set up by the Board of Directors as needed
General Board Job Descriptions
Facebook Chair
Purpose: To manage the Palm Harbor Newcomers Club (PHNC) Facebook (FB) pages, “Members Only” and “Public”
• Serve on the General Board, attending Board Meetings on the 1st Thursday of each month, as well as monthly luncheons on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
• Ensure another Board member is assigned to the Facebook (FB) page role of Admin as a backup Administrator.
• Post on the PHNC FB pages for each monthly Club Luncheon/Program
• Post on the PHNC FB pages upcoming Trips/Events
• Add links to the PHNC FB public page to thank businesses who contribute to our Pot of Gold Raffle, entitled ‘Liked By this Page’.
• Post pictures from various functions, such as Board lunches, Events, and New Member Brunches to encourage members to visit the FB pages.
• Solicit the Board for special activities, happenings, and member reminders and Post these on the PHNC FB pages
• Creatively manage the PHNC FB pages to encourage existing members, new members, and others interested in joining.
• Evaluate if/when to advertise the PHNC on FB.
• Represent the Club in a positive way, support the Board of Directors and encourage others to serve in some capacity.
To the Board of Directors and the general membership Budget: $TBD per year per budget planning.
$TBD per year per budget planning
Financial Advisor
Purpose: Immediate past Treasurer serves as Consultant to the Treasurer and Board of Directors
• Serve on the General Board
• Explain duties to new Treasurer upon transition.
• Assist new Treasurer with preparing and filing tax return (due October 15 for the previous year) and filing the new biz report with the State when officers change.
• Provide review of check requests, accounts payables, financial reporting, and all other duties as needed.
• Provides an annual financial review.
• Be available to the Treasurer throughout the year on an as-needed basis.
• Represent the Club in a positive way and encourage others to serve in some capacity.
To the Board and General Membership
Hospitality Chair
Purpose: To welcome new members to the Club
• Serve on the General Board, attending Board Meetings on the 1st Thursday of each month as well as monthly luncheons on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
• Oversee Hospitality Committee and assign designated responsibilities.
• Pull birthday report and send Jacque Lawson birthday cards monthly. Add new members to Jacque Lawson file.
• Pull monthly birthday and luncheon reports to determine members attending luncheon in their birthday month.
• Purchase flowers and a gift card each month.
• Set up Hospitality table at luncheons.
• Help new members at luncheons find seats and introduce them to other members.
• Oversee birthday celebration at each luncheon including handing out flowers, pulling the name of gift card winner, leading group in singing “Happy Birthday.”
• Organize and host new member brunch 2-3 times a year.
• Receive notifications about members experiencing life events needing some cheer or acknowledgment from the Club.
• Send thank you cards to contributors and angels.
• Maintain a supply of Club stationery.
• Give a report of all correspondence sent and received at the monthly Board Meeting and Luncheon
• Provide backup for the Secretary in her absence.
• Ensure all guests and spouses have submitted a waiver prior to the special event
• Represent the Club in a positive way and encourage others to serve in some capacity.
• Represent the Club in a positive way and encourage others to serve in some capacity.
To the Board and general membership
As determined by the Budget Committee
Luncheon Chair
Purpose: Organize and coordinate the monthly luncheon food and beverage
• Serve on the General Board attending monthly board meetings and luncheons.
• Collaborate with venue staff, the Board and Program Chair to set menu.
• Notify Website Chair, Newsletter Editor of the finalized menu two months in advance of the luncheon.
• Verify payments for luncheons have been received.
• Work with Treasurer to resolve website processing errors.
• Maintain menu reservations, entrée choice and payments received.
• Communicate reservations at the monthly board meeting so that all committee chairs understand all aspects of the lunch.
• Pull the online report for the luncheon reservation and troubleshoot problems (duplicates, wrong entrée#, etc.) by working with the Treasurer and/or the member.
• Communicate reservations and venue setup to the venue staff. • Resolve member questions about the luncheon.
• Print, assemble, distribute, and collect name tags for luncheon attendees.
• May obtain co-chair or a committee to complete all luncheon duties.
• Represent the Club in a positive way and encourage others to serve in some capacity.
• To the Board and the general membership
• As determined by the Budget committee
Newsletter Editor
Purpose: Produce and publish a monthly Chatterbox newsletter
• Serve on the General Board, attending Board Meetings on the 1st Thursday of each month as well as monthly luncheons on the 3rd Tuesday of each month
• Ensure the newsletter reflects the Club’s purpose, keeps Club members informed, preserves the history of the Club, recognizes donors and markets the Club to potential new members and others
• Take photos or find someone else to do so at monthly luncheons and Club special events, including trips, and activity group gatherings as possible.
• Write articles as necessary and edit the work of material submitted by others to reflect the correct and parallel style, grammar, and construction
• Design and layout of an attractive, organized publication for electronic distribution
• Distribute a draft electronic version of the newsletter to Board members for proofing.
• Email the link of the final version of the newsletter to website support to be sent to membership via mailchimp
• Print one copy of the newsletter each month and retain it in a file to preserve the history of the Club
• Upload the monthly newsletter to the Club’s members-only Facebook page and the Club’s website members-only section
• Assist with layout, design, and production of other printed and published Club projects, such as fashion show posters, event programs, event name tags, and table cards
• Purchase print services, paper, ink, and other supplies as necessary and provide the Treasurer with receipts and/or expense forms in a timely manner
• Represent the Club in a positive way and encourage others to serve in some capacity
To the Board and the general membership
As determined by the Budget Committee
Past President Advisor
Purpose: Immediate past President serves as a consultant to advise President and Board of Directors
• Serve on the General Board, attend meetings of the Board of Directors where business is conducted, and shall assist the president in keeping order by advising the President on correct parliamentary procedure and the Bylaws based on prior experience.
• Shall attend Executive Board meetings as requested as a non-voting member.
• Shall be a member of the Nominating Committee.
• Maintain the Board of Directors’ Job Description. Conduct an annual review with the board of directors of any necessary changes.
• If a vacancy occurs in the position of Past President Advisor, another past president will be asked to fill this position.
• Board of Directors and general membership
Budget: • None
Pot of Gold Chair
Purpose: To organize and coordinate the raffle at each luncheon
• Serve on the General Board, attending Board Meetings on the 1st Thursday of each month as well as monthly luncheons on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
• Solicit gift(s) for the Pot of Gold Raffle
• Sell tickets for the Pot of Gold Raffle and the 50/50
• Provide an accounting to the Treasurer.
• Give a list of raffle prize donors to the Secretary for thank you notes as well as to the Chatterbox Editor for publication.
• Represent the Club in a positive way and encourage others to serve in some capacity.
To the general membership
As determined by the Budget Committee
Publicity Chair
Purpose: To publicize and record Club activities
• Serve on the General Board, attending Board Meetings on the 1st Thursday of each month as well as monthly luncheons on the 3rd Thursday of each month.
• Email monthly press releases to designated contacts, newspapers, and place flyers in local libraries.
• Represent the club in a positive way and encourage others to serve in some capacity.
To the Board and the general membership
As determined by the Budget Committee
Table Decor Chair
Purpose: To provide centerpieces and decoration for luncheon tables
• To provide centerpieces and decoration for luncheon tables
• Serve on the General Board, attending Board Meetings on the 1st Thursday of each month as well as monthly luncheons on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
• Coordinate with Program Chair to match table décor to the program (Optional)
• Purchase supplies and assemble centerpieces.
• Deliver and set up centerpieces for luncheons.
• Position may be shared among co-chairs or a committee.
• Represent the Club in a positive way and encourage others to serve in some capacity.
To the general membership
As determined by the Budget Committee
Website Chair
Purpose: Maintain PHNC website
• Serve on the General Board, attending Board Meetings on the 1st Thursday of each month as well as monthly luncheons on the 3rd Tuesday of each month
• Ensure the website reflects the club’s purpose, keeps Club members informed, and markets the Club to potential new members and others
• Operate within established budget parameters
• Monitor website pages to assure they have the most current, accurate, and complete information
• Create monthly luncheon forms, posts, and pages as required.
• Create forms and posts as required (trips, club notices, etc.)
• Assure website pages have parallel style, grammar, and construction
• Incorporate website photos that are of good quality, color, and aspect and are copyright free.
• Assure the website is always correctly indexed
• Handle technical problems and other requests for action/assistance in a timely fashion
•Set up and maintain approved website security working with Diocesan Web Hosting. Security must be approved by both the Website Chair and President
• Create and maintain website documentation.
• Provide the Treasurer with any/all receipts and expense requests in a timely fashion.
• Represent the Club in a positive way and encourage others to serve in some capacity
To the Board and the general membership
As determined by the Budget Committee
Website Support Chair
Purpose: Provide Support for PHNC website
• Serve on the General Board, attending Board Meetings on the 1st Thursday of each month as well as monthly luncheons on the 3rd Tuesday of each month
• Track questions on the website (contact us and Info@phnc.us) and answer or route to the appropriate chair.
• Pull online reports as needed
• Assist board members and general membership with online registration and seeking information.
• Pull the latest version of online member emails and issue Eblast notifications requested by the Board. All Eblasts need to be approved by the President. Send monthly Eblasts for luncheon reminders and cutoffs.
• • Report website pages that do not have parallel style, grammar, and construction to the Website Chair
• Assist Website Chair in handling technical problems and other requests for action/assistance in a timely fashion
• Provide suggestions for improvement to Website Chair
• Represent the Club in a positive way and encourage others to serve in some capacity
To the Board and the general membership
General Guidelines for Committees
Committees may be formed throughout the year to plan or research a particular event or process. An example of a committee may be the Gala or Special Event Committee or the Website Automation Committee. Most committees are chaired by Board members but there may be non-board members that will take the lead as the Chair.
• The chair of a committee shall be appointed by the Executive Board.
• Responsible to the Palm Harbor Newcomers Club board of directors and members
• Collaboratively works with board members to benefit and accomplish the work of PHNC. • Records the committee meetings and reports updates and status to the Board at the monthly board meeting.
• Complies with all PHNC Bylaws.
• Appoints a co-chair/subcommittee from committee members if necessary.
• Add members as necessary to function as a successful committee.
• Keeps a record of the income and expenditures of the committee.
• Purchases made with or reimbursed with PHNC funds or donated to PHNC becomes property of Palm Harbor Newcomers Club
• Compiles yearly duties and activities for the incoming chair and recommends changes to the Executive Board.
• Meets with the successor to review the requirements of the position and provides any assistance necessary to facilitate a smooth transition.
• Utilizes the approved forms for funds submission and reimbursement request with original receipt attached.
• Submits all monies collected at the end of the event or meeting.
• Sends information pertaining to their committee’s communication to Chatterbox (Newsletter) Chair and Website Chair as needed.
• Complies within the limits of the budget.
• Submits for approval a non-budgeted item that is over $50. A non- budgeted item that are over $51 will be submitted to the Executive Board for approval.
• Inform the President of an issues that impact PHNC activities or policies.
• All committee chairs and subcommittee members are financially accountable to the Executive Board.